
Sharing Your Story | The 530 & Co. Creative Copywriting

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Telling a story is important within your company. What some brands and businesses don’t realize is that sharing your story helps your business grow! Through social media, and through your website. Share your experiences, like why you started or your journey to how you got to where you are today! Share your successes and your failures! 

Your audience wants to make that connection! Being personable helps your audience get to know you and your business better which is what they want. Discovering a brand that you can make a connection to is the driving force behind whether you continue to engage or not. This is why it is vital to continuously produce content that reflects who you are and what you are about, and telling your story is a great way to do that!

When you're real and honest, people feel like they can relate to you more, which increases their engagement with you! When you share these personal stories about you and your business you are not only building those connections with your audience, but you are inspiring them at the same time! You give them an insight that they can go after what they want too! 

Sharing your story is the best way to be authentically you, so let’s do this together.

The 530 and Co.

Delphine Jespersen